Stephanie Gauvin

Stephanie Gauvin

  • Artist’s Statement

    My work is my play; my ego made visible.
    As I view the world with a child`s eye, paint is the chosen medium of my expression and feeds my spirit with a sense of accomplishment and integrity. My goal is to translate the excitement I feel about life, into a tangible visual art piece.
    Either working from photographs in my studio or painting out in nature, I illuminate the scenes with a bold exciting palette. I strive for spontaneity in my brush strokes, skilled gradations and color vibration, looking to spark a feeling rather than perfection in the details. When a piece is evolving well, I feel a sense of giddiness, as if my brush is a magic wand... it`s pure delight!
    Learning, evolving and channeling my love for painting for the last 14 years, I regularly attend workshops lead by prominent, inspiring artists and feel greatly energized by the process. I am intuitively following my creative path and have come to realize that it is a lifelong commitment.

  • Biography

    Stéphanie was born in Québec, Canada and from an early age, demonstrated a keen interest in illustration, encouraged by her family and teachers. She earned a Fine Arts degree in 1989, after which, the mountains of Canada`s west coast called her adventurous spirit. Being an avid skier, she settled into the quaint mountain town of Rossland B.C. and started a family.

    Focusing on acrylic painting, this energetic woman`s work is indicative of her love for the outdoors. Gauvin`s bold use of composition, exciting choice of color, and warm tones mark her self taught style.
    A Signature member of the Federation of Canadian Artists (AFCA), she has been painting professionally for 14 years.
    Stephanie operates her own commercial Gallery space in Rossland BC and is now represented in galleries across Canada.

  • Awards

    Royal Canadian Mint Commission
    In 2016, Gauvin`s talent has landed on the Canadian coins. She has had the privilege of being commissioned by the Royal Canadian Mint to illustrate a series of four images representing The Canadian Landscape Series. Gauvin was approached by the Mint because her work stood out as a good fit for the project.
    "We knew that Gauvin specializes in the type of landscape artwork that we were looking for to feature on our numismatic coloured collection." said Christine Aquino, director of communications at the Mint "And we are always looking to work with new artists, so it was a good fit".

    Artistic Accreditation
    2016 Finalist at the Reves D`Automne Art Festival juried show.
    2015 Royal Canadian Mint artist for “The Canadian Landscape” series of four illustrated Silver Coins. 2014 Ducks Unlimited National Portfolio Artist with “ Alpine Meadows”.
    2014 Signature Status, accredited AFCA form the Federation of Canadian Artists.
    2013 W.K.C.F.C.A.The Sky's The Limit, “Aha”
    2013 F.C.A.Transitions juried show, “Summer Simplicity”.
    2013 F.C.A. Landscapes,juriedshow-“Light Up The Ridge”
    2012 F.C.A.The Hundred Mile Painting, juried show,“Time Is On My Side”.
    2012 F.C.A. Small, Smaller, Smallest, juriedshow,“Little by Little” and ”The ChaseIs On”. 2011 T.N.S.C F.C.A., Open Show, “Hear The Bells?”
    2010 F.C.A. Artvisions, juried show, Gold award finalist, “Gog Lake”.
    2010 F.C.A.Capturingthe Canadian Spirit, juried show, Finalist, ”PondHockey”.
    2009 F.C.A. Perspectives, juried show,“Light Shines Through”, Gold award.

Showing all 10 artworks

Stephanie Gauvin

Heightened Senses
36 x 72 ″ Acrylic on Canvas Sold

Stephanie Gauvin

King Size View
36 x 72 ″ Acrylic on Canvas $7,620.00

Stephanie Gauvin

A Cure for the Blues
48 x 48 ″ Acrylic on Canvas Sold

Stephanie Gauvin

Onwards and Forwards
30 x 40 ″ Acrylic on Canvas $4,100.00

Stephanie Gauvin

Canadian Icon
40 x 30 ″ Acrylic on Canvas $4,100.00

Stephanie Gauvin

High on Life
36 x 48 ″ Acrylic on Canvas $5,880.00

Stephanie Gauvin

With Great Stride
30 x 48 ″ Acrylic on Canvas $5,150.00

Stephanie Gauvin

As the Story Unfolds
40 x 60 ″ Acrylic on Canvas Sold

Stephanie Gauvin

Wild and Free
18 x 36 ″ Acrylic on Canvas $2,775.00

Stephanie Gauvin

Take a Load Off
40 x 60 ″ Acrylic on Canvas $7,390.00